What Is It?Injury RecoveryWellness Therapeutic Massage CranioSacral Therapy Prenatal MassageBook NowBlogContact What Is It?Injury RecoveryWellness Therapeutic Massage CranioSacral Therapy Prenatal MassageBook NowBlogContact Contact Us! Want to get on the email list? CONTACT (970) 986-6545 kori@curatiomassage.com ADDRESS 2501 Blichmann Ave #116 Grand Junction, CO 81505 CONTACT (970) 986-6545 kori@curatiomassage.com ADDRESS 2501 Blichmann Ave #116 Grand Junction, CO 81505 HOURS Monday-SaturdayBy appointment only CONTACT (970) 986-6545Kori@curatiomassage.com ADDRESS 2501 Blichmann Ave #116Grand Junction, CO 81505